Canine Hydrotherapy

Canine Hydrotherapy to assist with recovery, mobility, weight loss and fitness.

Would you like to utilise our Hydrotherapy services?

The Benefits

Canine Hydrotherapy uses the properties of water to aid in rehabilitation of painful joints, injured or healing structures, reduce inflammation and strengthen and maintain muscle mass. The underwater treadmill uses the properties of water to the advantage of the dog with the speed, depth of water and resistance being easily controlled and adjusted as required. How Hydrotherapy can help your dog:

  • Relief of pain, swelling & stiffness
  • Confidence, proprioception, balance and posture for puppies
  • Pre op muscle retention (enhance your dog’s recovery by retaining muscle mass, before surgery)
  • Rehabilitation for dogs recovering from TPLO, Total Hip Replacement and other canine orthopaedic surgery’s
  • Gait re-education for dogs with neurological conditions​
  • Therapy for dogs with arthritis due to age or injury
  • Therapy for dogs who participate in sporting or performance activities that result in high impact on their joints
  • Exercise for Weight Loss
  • Cardiovascular fitness for healthy active pets

The Properties of Water & Its Benefits

Hydrotherapy Clients


Flyball dog & 5 years post partial tear of his CCL.

Axel - 7 Years 11 Months Golden Retriever

Axel was first referred to me in August 2023 by his surgeon at ARH Sinnamon Park, at 8 weeks post surgery for IVDD at T13/L1. His surgery took place at the end of June and he spend 22 days at ARH without moving. A decision to take him home was made and on day 24 he stood up on his own for the first time and took a few wobbly steps. He was motivated by one of his balls lying around the house. It’s been a long road for Axel and his owners, not only because of the surgery, Axel also has IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) and cannot accept any kind of protein, his special diet is made from chicken feather protein, he also suffers from Gall Stones. Axel has come along way with his combined treatments of acupuncture, manipulation and laser therapy from his Rehab Vet Dr. Monique Crouch and hydrotherapy from myself. Axel’s dedicated owners have gone above and beyond for him, ensuring all advice is followed and exercises are completed. He is much stronger in his hind legs and his gait has improved in the underwater treadmill, his whole demeaner has changed and he comes trotting happily into my clinic each week.


Boo initially came to me as one of my practice clients for my CPCFT course, but after our initial consultation, I referred her to the rehab vet for some hip hitching and curvature of her spine. After some investigations it was discovered that she had an injury to her cauda equina nerves. When she originally came into the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Rescue she had a broken tail and this was subsequently amputated. It is thought that the nerve damage happened when she was a puppy and was never treated. She also has some arthritis in her spine and she was extremely overweight. Cavalier Rescue have done a fabulous job with Boo and she sits now at a 9.7 kg’s rather than the 18kg she was. Boo comes to see me regularly for ongoing hydrotherapy treatment.

Pricing & Inclusions

Initial Consultation • Personalised Hydrotherapy Program • Pre-pay for sessions and save on your revisit price •
Options to Combine with Canine Conditioning

After the Initial Consultation I will provide a recommendation on the number of sessions initially required and how many ongoing “maintenance” sessions might be needed to achieve your goals.

To receive the most benefit from hydrotherapy, consistency is key! The benefits of hydrotherapy are cumulative, and regular visits allow the body to adapt, heal, and strengthen more effectively over time. Consistency also ensures that the body continues to heal effectively without overloading the healing tissues. Through regular visits the list of benefits include:

  • Muscle relaxation and pain relief through increased blood circulation and reduced inflammation
  • Improved circulation through improved blood flow, which is essential for healing and tissue repair
  • Progressive strength building, great for dogs with mobility issues or injuries
  • Neuromuscular re-education via restoring proper movement patterns and co-ordination and retraining the nervous system, especially after surgery or injury
  • Improvement in cardiovascular health endurance without putting undue stress on the heart or joints
  • Long-term health benefits by supporting chronic conditions such as arthritis
  • Faster recovery after injury or surgery


$125 (60-90 min sessions)

Includes an initial assessment, the recording of a gait video and a discussion about your dog, any areas of concern you may have and what you are hoping to achieve through hydrotherapy.  Also included is an introduction to the Underwater Treadmill.

$65 (30 min session)

Short hydrotherapy session up to 20 mins max in the underwater treadmill. Only available after initial consultation has been carried out.

$180 (30 min session)

Prepay for 3 x Hydro Only sessions (up to 20 mins max in the underwater treadmill). Only available after initial consultation has been carried out.

$330 (30 min session)

Prepay for 6 x Hydro Only sessions (up to 20 mins max in the underwater treadmill). Only available after initial consultation has been carried out.

****NEW CLIENT SPECIAL 30% Off – NOW $264.60 (normally $378)**** (70 min session)

Prepay for 6 x Combined Hydrotherapy & Canine Conditioning sessions. Visits can be conducted over 6 consecutive weeks or fortnights.

Terms & Conditions: All Session blocks are only available after initial consultation has been carried out. The 3 session block must be used within 6 months and the 6 session block must be used within 12 months of purchase. All sessions which include Hydrotherapy require a vet referral. No vet referral is required for Canine Conditioning services if your dog is sound, however if upon my initial consultation irregularities are found, you will be referred back to your vet before a conditioning plan can commence. A report of my findings will be forwarded to your vet for reference.


Yes a vet referral and medical history are required so that I am aware of any medical conditions which may contra-indicate hydrotherapy treatment. For a full list of contra-indications and precautions of hydrotherapy, please download our vet referral form.
  • There is more resistance in water than on land, which is beneficial for strengthening muscles and preventing muscle loss.
  • The buoyancy of water reduces weight bearing on injured or healing joints.
  • The hydrostatic pressure and viscosity of water provides support which helps prevent injury to muscles, ligaments and tendons.
  • The buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure of water allows rehabilitation to commence earlier, when exercise is restricted on land
  • The temperature of the water helps muscles to relax
  • Improves active Range of Motion and can be precisely controlled.
  • Improves the re-education of gait after neurological injuries/surgery
  • Reduces inflammation due to hydrostatic pressure
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Weight loss
  • Underwater Treadmill Hydrotherapy can be part of a multimodal treatment plan ie Veterinary Care, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Laser Therapy
I am dedicated to improving dogs lives and will work with each individual dog to make it feel comfortable. The first session may be as little as introducing them to the treadmill without water, and progressing at the dogs pace without force.  Some dogs may take a number of sessions, and some will progress more quickly.  There could always be an exception where a certain dog is not suited to treatment due to a nervous disposition.

The initial consultation includes a gait video, photographs, measurements, Range of Motion checks, functional movement assessment, weight check. I will discuss what goals you are hoping to achieve through Hydrotherapy. From the information I have gathered, I will put together a report of my findings, which will include the gait video and photographs and construct a treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.

The appropriate use of hydrotherapy can have many benefits for your dog, however there are contra-indications and precautions that need to be considered by yourself and your veterinarian before starting treatment. Please ensure you have your vet complete a vet referral form prior to your first session with us, ensuring you both have read and understood the contra-indications and precautions listed.
For a 30 minute session your dog will not spend longer that 20 minutes in the treadmill. In the early stages this will be a lot less than 20 minutes. To start with they will only be walking for a few minutes at a time with rests in between as the treatment is strenuous and they will need to progress slowly.

Unfortunately you must postpone your appointment in this situation to avoid contaminating the clinic. Please feel free to contact me to discuss if unsure. If your dog is unwell or there has been a significant change since your last appointment, you may need to see your Vet before recommencing hydrotherapy.

You don’t need to bath your dog, but the dogs fur should be free of mud and dry shampoo products as this will affect the quality of the water. Giving the dog a groom to remove loose hair is recommended beforehand if you have a long coated dog. If your dog arrives covered in mud you will be asked to wash them off outside before entering the treadmill.
Please ensure your dog has pooped and urinated prior to a session as the warm water can increase the chance of a dog soiling once in the treadmill. In the event of poop in the water your session may end if I have to dump all the water, this could then lead to the next client having to be cancelled as the water will have to be topped up sanitised and reheated.
All types of cards via contactless payment or chip & pin or bank transfer at the completion of your appointment.

Happy Clients

My dogs just love Nicola and you can tell she truly cares for their well being. Always offering invaluable advice on how to keep them fit and healthy to ensure they have a long and safe flyball career.
Connie Blakemore

If you would like to discuss how Hydrotherapy or Canine Conditioning can benefit your dog, please reach out.